Our Impact

A Star Shining Brighter

A True Impact

The mission of the Fairy Godmothers is much more than simply handing out evening gowns and second-hand clothes. In fact, the impact of this gesture is even more far-reaching:

– For a young person, taking the decision to receive the services of the Fées Marraines is a step towards autonomy, taking charge and accepting help.

– With few rites of passage in Quebec society, the prom has taken on impressive proportions. As a school-sponsored event, young people shouldn’t feel excluded for financial reasons. It’s also a way of integrating newcomers into this rite of passage and recognizing the value of each young person.

– By reducing this expense for families, parents can also celebrate their youngster’s success, without worrying about the financial pressure prom night can put on the family budget. This avoids emotional decisions.

– The young beneficiaries can reduce their working hours to concentrate on their academic success, having eliminated the economic pressure induced by prom expenses.

– Academic motivation also increases, as the celebration is finally accessible and limits social exclusion.

– The physical and psychological transformation of the youngsters can be observed: they arrive out of spite, whereas at the end of the course, they radiate self-esteem, and pride can be seen in the eyes of their parents.

– The “Boutique Days” exceed all the expectations of the beneficiaries who take part, offering a top-of-the-range boutique. Each young person is greeted with respect and discretion by two dedicated volunteers.

– The project allows donors to make an ecological gesture by donating gently used dresses, clothes, bags, shoes and evening jewelry.

Since 2014, the evolution of Fairy Godmothers is more than dazzling.
Thanks to Fairy Godmothers, there are:

More than 1500 shoes offered

Grand total of 7500 princess dresses collected

Magic in the life of 1000 graduates so far

2022 objective 450 graduates with a breakthrough in the English-speaking community

Partnerships in more than 90 schools and services such as youth centers Foundation

Nearly 575 volunteer godmothers from the beginning of the adventure

Organization of 2 Shop Days per year and some troubleshooting sessions

More than 110 scholarships awarded